Protection et sûreté en profil bas
SGS Consultants est une société de protection physique des personnes créée en Avril 2007 par Jean-Michel Hacque, consultant sûreté auprès de groupes industriels internationaux. Après avoir observé l’évolution des risques durant ces vingt dernières années, et pour être en adéquation avec les besoins d’une clientèle soucieuse de discrétion, SGS Consultants a décidé de se spécialiser dans la mise en œuvre de dispositifs de protection et de sûreté en profil bas.
Chaque mission confiée, fait l’objet d’une analyse systémique puis d’une cartographie du risque afin d’optimiser les moyens de protection, et d’essayer d’anticiper la mutation du risque en menace. SGS Consultants s’attache à définir les différentes options de sûreté, afin d’élaborer en partenariat avec le donneur d’ordre, une solution sur mesure permettant d’appréhender au mieux le risque résiduel.
“SGS-Consultants is a security and protection company founded in 2007 by security expert and security consultant to international industrial corporations, Jean-Michel Hacque.
With 25 plus years of expertise in the field of security management and design, Jean-Michel Hacque created SGS-Consultants to provide its clients with low-profile security management and low visibility security operations.
For each mission, SGS assesses its specific risks, which are mapped out as to maximize security strategies. SGS also aims to anticipate the mutation of risk into threat.
SGS strives to assess the different levels of security needs, to provide a tailored security strategy.
Our personnel are composed of both male and female highly trained individuals, who have received a state-of-the-art instruction and who have years of experience. They are not only highly reactive but also proactive and have the knowledge and experience to optimize the security plan in any type of situation, context or terrain, for preemptive intelligence based security models.
Discretion and confidentiality are paramount to our activity and that of our clients. SGS has developed a network of companies extremely specialized in their field but reporting to the same holding organization.
Audits, training, logistics coordination, geo-localization, armed or unarmed VIP protection, secure transportation of goods and people, surveillance, security details, fleet of vehicles, security conscious chauffeur and concierge services are provided by the same organization for a comprehensive integrated security-oriented approach.
All our agents are licensed, insured, bonded under the legal requirements of the various states, regions and countries out of which we operate.
We are committed to following all laws, rules and regulations in place throughout the world”
Forecasting in 2006 the arising of new threats previously located in war zones, SGS Consultants then realized that new recruitment and training processes were absolutely needed.
Gathering around training cell ex-military forces, law enforcement agents, first emergency responders, SGS developed new ideas of training process in order to improve work efficiency for SGS personnel enhancing protectee’s global benefit.
Emphasing the emotional intelligence and neurolinguistic programming training aspects allowed SGS to carefully assess trainee’s capacities and competencies in various and complex situations.
Highlighting principles such as tactical abilities and medical skills to push the boundaries a step further on casualty care, monitoring, and outmanoeuvring assymetric new threats.
This hybrid approach policy has been successfully experienced since 2010 and is still applied on a daily basis. This allows SGS to carefully assign a tailored protective detail to each specific demand from our protectee’s environment and threat level.
Adresse : 10 RUE DE PENTHIEVRE 75008 PARIS
Tél : +336 67 26 00 00
Email : jmh@sgs-consultants.com
SGS Consultants.
Fédération Française de la Protection Rapprochée
91, rue du Faubourg St Honoré
75008 Paris
+33 6 61 14 72 30